Master the Art of Podcast Naming: The Ultimate Guide for Aspiring Hosts


by Eric Lam - Published 9/21/2023

podcast name ideas

Brainstorming podcast names might be tougher than you think.

It's critical to consider factors like your intended listeners and simplicity.

A catchy podcast title can either attract or repel potential listeners. If you're at your wit's end trying to think of an ideal podcast name, you're in the right place.

Perfect Time To Start Podcasting

Podcasting is long form audio-only content that typically lives on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube and a variety of other platforms.

This niche has been growing for over 20 years!

podcast growth

In the past year podcasting as a trend has grown 8%.

This is important because podcasting is huge and on its way to ubiquity.

Due to the popularity of podcasting, companies like Spotify have started prioritizing podcasts within their app to be just as visible as music. This was not initially the case. Initially music was the main value proposition of streaming services and you had to dig for the podcasts. Podcasts were a secondary offering that was seen as a necessary product but not as important to moving the needle as music.

This has changed.

In 2019 Viacom issued a report that found 41% of 13 to 49 year olds in the US said they listened to a podcast in the last 3 months. 9 out of 10 of those surveyed said they listen to podcasts more than they did in the prior 3 months. In 2019 the consumer sentiment really began to shift towards strong interest in podcasts. 73% of those surveyed said they believe podcasting is the new age of radio.

In 2019 the data also showed that users began listening to podcasts nearly as much as they consumed music and video.

podcasting niche

This upward growth trend is further illustrated in the chart above.

According to eMarketer and PodcastIndex, in 2024 podcast listeners are anticipated to be over 500 million people!

In addition, companies like Spotify have been on an M&A rampage, buying up podcasting services and tools like (renamed to “Spotify for Podcasters”). This platform helps podcasters syndicate their content across platforms. By uploading to, podcasters simultaneously also get their content uploaded to Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Spotify etc. It’s a one stop solution that makes managing podcast syndication easy.

These factors make it a great time to start a podcasting business either as a creative or a business, selling equipment to the creatives.

With that said, let's get into 100 catchy podcast name ideas that will help you stand out from the crowd.

25 Funny Podcast Name Ideas

A funny name establishes the lighthearted tone of the content, potentially attracting a broader audience seeking a reprieve from heavier topics. The shareable nature of witty titles boosts organic marketing, as listeners casually mention them in conversations or share on social media.

Ultimately, selecting a humorous podcast title reinforces a brand image that's approachable and doesn't take itself too seriously, resonating with audiences who appreciate a sprinkle of fun in their favorite podcast.

  1. "Ear Biscuits & Belly Laughs"
  2. "The Giggle Guide"
  3. "Pun-Intended Conversations"
  4. "Mic Drop & Knee Slaps"
  5. "Guffaws & Microphones"
  6. "Eargasmic Giggles"
  7. "Babble & Chuckles"
  8. "Talk 'Til You Titter"
  9. "Sonic Snickers"
  10. "Banter & Blunders"
  11. "Laugh Lines & Audio Bytes"
  12. "Haha Highways: A Journey to Jest"
  13. "Giggle Juice On Tap"
  14. "Chortles & Channels"
  15. "Podsnickers: Where Words Meet Laughter"
  16. "Heckles & Headphones"
  17. "Riffing & Roaring"
  18. "Laughs, Lingo & Loopy Stories"
  19. "Witty Waves: Broadcasting Buffoonery"
  20. "Audible Antics & Adventures"
  21. "Banter Balloons: Pop Goes the Podcast"
  22. "Chuckles & Chatterboxes"
  23. "Sonic Smirks & Silly Stories"
  24. "Mumble & Snort: The Unserious Broadcast"
  25. "Giggle Gears: Shift Into Hilarity"

25 True Crime Podcast Name Ideas

Catering to the insatiable curiosity of true crime aficionados is key in this market. These suggested names, steeped in intrigue and suspense, immediately hint at the dark and gripping tales that await the listener. They evoke an air of mystery and urgency, compelling potential subscribers to dive deeper into the episodes.

  1. "Criminal Chronicles"
  2. "Beyond The Evidence"
  3. "Dark Alibis"
  4. "Justice Journeys"
  5. "Sinister Stories Unveiled"
  6. "Mystery & Motive"
  7. "Case Closed Chronicles"
  8. "True Crime Tapes"
  9. "Shadows of Suspicion"
  10. "Whispers of the Wanted"
  11. "Echoes of Evil"
  12. "Innocence & Injustice"
  13. "Perpetrator Profiles"
  14. "Clues & Conspiracies"
  15. "Twisted Trails"
  16. "CrimeClock: Minutes to Midnight"
  17. "Underbelly Unearthed"
  18. "Locked Secrets & Lost Souls"
  19. "Forensic Files Rewound"
  20. "Guilt's Gripping Tales"
  21. "Veil of Violence"
  22. "No Alibi Narratives"
  23. "Dreadful Deeds Dissected"
  24. "Crimescape Chronicles"
  25. "Behind The Crime Lines"

25 Business Podcast Name Ideas

Meeting the ever-growing interest of business enthusiasts is crucial in this domain. These proposed titles, imbued with professionalism and insight, instantly suggest the enlightening and strategic discussions that listeners can anticipate. They convey a sense of expertise and motivation, enticing potential subscribers to click the content.

  1. "BizSavvy Insights"
  2. "Boardroom Buzz"
  3. "Enterprise Endeavors"
  4. "Marketplace Masters"
  5. "Corporate Chronicles"
  6. "Startup Stories Unscripted"
  7. "Capital Conversations"
  8. "Profits & Perspectives"
  9. "Blueprints to Boardrooms"
  10. "Venture Vibes"
  11. "Economic Echoes"
  12. "Entrepreneurial Elements"
  13. "MoneyMinds Meet"
  14. "TradeTalk Terrain"
  15. "The Bottom Line Banter"
  16. "Corner Office Coffee Break"
  17. "Strategies & Stocks"
  18. "Ledger & Leaders Lounge"
  19. "Business Behind-the-Scenes"
  20. "C-Suite Secrets"
  21. "DealMakers Digest"
  22. "Visionaries' Voices"
  23. "Brand Buildout Breakdown"
  24. "Pioneers & Profit Paths"
  25. "Innovation Incubator Insights"

25 Technology Podcast Name Ideas

Catering to the avid tech-savvy audience is essential in this category. These suggested titles, immediately allude to the latest technological insights and breakthroughs in store for listeners. They radiate a sense of pioneering spirit and expertise, beckoning potential subscribers to immerse themselves.

  1. "TechScape Explorers"
  2. "Digital Dialogues"
  3. "Silicon Synapses"
  4. "FutureTech Forecast"
  5. "Code & Converse"
  6. "Circuitry Chronicles"
  7. "Pixel Pioneers"
  8. "Wired Wonders"
  9. "Gadget Gabfest"
  10. "Cyber Circuit Sessions"
  11. "Beyond the Binary"
  12. "TechnoTalk Trends"
  13. "Innovative Interfaces"
  14. "AI & Insights"
  15. "Digital Dive Deep"
  16. "NexTech Narratives"
  17. "Bits & Bytes Breakdown"
  18. "The Virtual Voyager"
  19. "Connectivity Chronicles"
  20. "TechTrailblazers"
  21. "Mainframe Musings"
  22. "NanoTech Notes"
  23. "Quantum Quests"
  24. "Infinite IT Insights"
  25. "Tech Titans' Tales"

How Do You Know Which Name To Choose?

Choosing the right name for your podcast is more than just a matter of personal preference—it's a strategic decision that can have a lasting impact on your show's identity, discoverability, and appeal to listeners.

Represent Your Content

The ideal podcast name should accurately reflect your content. It should give prospective listeners a clear idea of the themes or topics you'll be addressing. Yet, while being relevant, it should also stand out in a crowded market, offering uniqueness that differentiates it from other podcasts. Researching potential names to ensure they're not already in use can help prevent legal complications and ensure your podcast has its distinct identity.

Catchy And Memorable

The name should be catchy and memorable. Simplicity often aids memorability; complex names or those laden with jargon can be off-putting or easily forgotten. When brainstorming, consider the search engine optimization (SEO) value of your potential podcast names. Integrating relevant keywords can boost your podcast's visibility on search engines and podcasting platforms.

Growth Mindset

Another aspect to consider is the future growth and evolution of your podcast. While it might be tempting to choose a highly specific name now, it might limit your content scope in the long run. A slightly broader name can offer you flexibility in content direction over time.

Utilize Feedback

Before finalizing a name, seek feedback. Whether it's from friends, family, or potential audience members, outside perspectives can offer valuable insights. Moreover, if you intend to create a website or maintain an active social media presence for your podcast, it's wise to check domain and username availability. Consistent branding across all platforms enhances recognizability and professionalism.

The podcast name should resonate with your target audience. Think about the demographic or psychographic traits of your intended listeners and ensure the name appeals to them. And don't underestimate the power of audibility; saying the name out loud, ensuring it's easy to pronounce, and gauging how it sounds can make all the difference.

Is Podcasting A Good Business?

Podcasting can be a good business, but its success often hinges on various factors. Here's a breakdown of the considerations and potential benefits:

Advantages of Podcasting as a Business:

  1. Growing Audience: Podcasting has seen substantial growth in recent years, with more people tuning in to podcasts as their preferred form of entertainment or education.
  2. Low Entry Barrier: Starting a podcast requires minimal equipment. With a decent microphone, editing software, and a hosting platform, you can launch your own show.
  3. Monetization: As your podcast gains popularity, various monetization methods become available: sponsorships, affiliate marketing, premium content, merchandise sales, listener donations, or live show tickets.
  4. Personal Branding: For professionals and experts, podcasts can be an excellent platform to establish authority in their field, connect with peers, and reach potential clients or customers.
  5. Flexibility: Podcasts can be produced from anywhere, and many podcasters appreciate the flexibility that comes with it.
  6. Community Building: Successful podcasts often have loyal listeners who engage actively, providing a community feel.

Challenges and Considerations:

  1. Saturation: With the rise in popularity of podcasts, there's been a surge in new shows, making it a competitive field. Standing out requires high-quality content, a unique angle, or a distinct voice.
  2. Time-Consuming: Producing a podcast isn't just about recording. There's research, scripting, editing, promoting, and engaging with listeners, all of which take time.
  3. Slow Start: Building an audience might take longer than expected. Monetization, especially significant revenue, may not be immediate.
  4. Consistency: Regular episodes and engagement are key to growing and retaining an audience. Maintaining consistency can be challenging.
  5. Technical Learning Curve: While starting is easy, refining audio quality, understanding analytics, or optimizing for search might require a learning curve.

Podcasting is akin to entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is often fueled by the spark of an idea, a novel solution to a problem, or a unique perspective on an existing approach.

The most successful entrepreneurs tend to identify gaps in the market or underserved areas where they can offer something distinctive. In today's competitive landscape, it's increasingly beneficial for podcasters to focus on niche markets where they can establish themselves as experts.

By honing in on a specific niche, podcasters can cater to a targeted audience, meeting their unique needs with precision and depth that broader podcasters might miss.

For instance, rather than launching a general health and wellness podcast, an podcasters might focus on listeners interested in creating a spiritual business. Also instead of just creating a business podcast, a podcaster might niche down and focus on a podcast about kids starting their own businesses, hoping to tap into kids who are interested in entrepreneurship. Another example could be a tech entrepreneur who, instead of diving into the vast world of app development, chooses to specialize in AI apps designed for senior citizens, helping them navigate the digital world with greater ease.

Becoming an expert in a niche not only sets entrepreneurs apart but also allows them to build stronger, more genuine connections with their audience. This deep expertise can foster trust, loyalty, and a sense of community, making the business more resilient and more likely to thrive in the long run.


Podcasting, in the modern era, has emerged as an innovative frontier for storytellers, educators, and businesses alike. Much like the challenges faced by entrepreneurs, brainstorming the right name for a podcast can be an unexpectedly tough venture. It's imperative to factor in aspects such as target demographics and the simplicity of the name, as a compelling title can be the deciding factor in drawing or repelling listeners. Platforms like Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and YouTube have been bustling with audio-only content, indicating that the niche has matured over the past two decades.

Choosing the right podcast name is a blend of strategy, creativity, and a keen understanding of your target audience. This process, in many ways, mirrors entrepreneurship. Successful entrepreneurs lean into their edge and excel by spotting gaps in the market, creating niches, and positioning themselves as experts. This deep specialization not only differentiates them but also fosters trust and loyalty among their clientele, ensuring longevity and success in their ventures.

FAQ on Podcast Name Ideas

1. Why is the podcast name so important?
The right name can greatly influence your podcast's discoverability, brand identity, and the first impression it leaves on potential listeners. It can be the deciding factor between someone clicking on your content or scrolling past.

2. What should be considered when brainstorming podcast names?
Factors to consider include relevance to your content, uniqueness, simplicity, and resonance with your target audience. Also, consider SEO-friendly terms that potential listeners might search for.

3. How can a niche-focused name benefit a podcast?
A niche-focused name allows podcasters to target a specific audience, meeting their unique interests and preferences. It sets clear expectations for content and can help in establishing the podcaster as an expert in that particular niche.

4. Is it better to have a humorous or serious podcast name?
It depends on the content and tone of your podcast. A humorous name might attract listeners looking for light-hearted content, while a serious name could appeal to those seeking in-depth or educational content.

5. How can I ensure my podcast name isn't already in use?
Research potential names on podcast directories, conduct a general internet search, and check domain name availability if you plan to have a website for your podcast.


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