How to Use ChatGPT for Business: A Comprehensive Guide


by Eric Lam - Published 10/4/2023

In today's fast-paced business environment, staying ahead of the curve is more crucial than ever. While many are still grappling with traditional methods of market research and analysis, I stumbled upon a groundbreaking approach that can change the game for smart entrepreneurs, solopreneurs and professionals alike.

Leveraging the capabilities of ChatGPT-4 and AI for business, I discovered a way to rapidly understand and penetrate markets, a strategy that is not only efficient but also universally applicable. Whether you're a seasoned investor or a novice in your field, read on to find out how you can use ChatGPT-4 to gain a competitive edge and learn markets at an unprecedented speed.

Case Study - ChatGPT for Business

My dad recently started telling me about a potential niche opportunity that is developing in commercial real estate due to the collapsing market in major cities. This was a hypothesis he had, and I decided to look into it.

I know nothing about real estate. I don’t own a home, nor have I ever had one in the past.

My background is mainly in SEO, programming, music and running explodingideas.

Using ChatGPT as a Business Consultant

Since I was a novice in the field of Commercial Real Estate (CRE) and had little understanding of tax implications, I turned to ChatGPT-4 for guidance on my entrepreneurial journey.

We went back and forth for a few days refining my understanding. Since CRE is pretty antiquated, ChatGPT-4 proved to be a great asset as it's trained on much of the information available about the CRE industry.

ChatGPT-4 also assisted me in understanding the legal landscape of CRE. It summarized key laws and regulations, helping me avoid potential pitfalls.

The socratic method of learning with ChatGPT-4 enabled me to grasp the intricacies of the industry 10x faster. Armed with this newfound knowledge, I revisited the conversation with my dad.

Now when I went back to my dad with my newly acquired fundamental knowledge, I asked him if he were to pursue this opportunity how would he go about it.

Traditional Approaches: The Limitations

My dad suggested a traditional approach: visiting county websites to gather information on building owners and then cold-calling them. This method seemed archaic and time-consuming. I knew there had to be a smarter way to go about it.

Anyone can do that. There’s nothing new about that process that would make me a clear winner.

I’d just be gambling with my time.

Finding My Edge: The Modern Approach

I initially explored the possibility of using APIs from CRE companies to scrape relevant data. However, this avenue proved to be a dead-end.

The API companies seemed uninterested in conversing with me, not sure if it’s because I didn’t have a $5,000/mo budget or what. But this was not a fruitful path.

I decided to reevaluate.

Undeterred, I turned to my trusted SEO tool, ahrefs, for keyword research.

The Untapped Market

I searched for relevant keywords to the niche I was targeting and noticed that the keywords were relatively untapped.

Basically they had 0-1 Keyword difficulty scores, meaning there was little to no competition.

But, at the same time search volume was only listed as 0-10 searches a month.

This was a little disheartening but I wanted to get a bit more detail.

Learning The Industry

From speaking with a friend in the CRE industry, he mentioned that the major players in the space with commercial property AUM >$30million either have long standing relationships and/or in-house teams that handle most of this work for them.

So in a way that potentially explained a piece of the lack of volume, big players don’t need to search for this stuff online.

Then I decided to check out the lower end of the market.

I went to competitors' websites that were on the lower end, meaning they were targeting building owners with AUM <$30million.

I was able to find them because their websites were prompting building owners to contact them via website forms; like “contact us to work together”.

Outdated Marketing Strategies

I found that the way competitors were targeting people was by sending out flyers. That was one of the primary ways they were getting business.

They were using what I believed to be outdated marketing strategies.

My Hypothesis

So I had a hypothesis.

I’m 32 years old. I hate mail. Like I absolutely despise it.

When I have a problem or question the first thing I do is go to Google to learn.

My thesis was that building owners under 45 years old are doing this as well.

The SEO Leverage

I believed in the aggregate of targeting all the keywords related to this niche, by posting blog articles educational content teaching building owners about the nuances and processes involved, the traffic may not be high but it would be high value.

This could be a growing market if this works, because the internet and computers are obviously the future.

I think if i target them via google for the educational phrases they’re already searching for, as opposed to antiquated mailers, i can tap the audience and grow into the future as that’s a generational behavioral shift.

I also figured that since noone in this niche that focused on the lower end of the market put time into SEO, I could leverage SEO and both rank quickly and see if this works.

At the end of every article i can create a call to action to prompt them to reach out and then if i get some leads i’ll build infra around this.

Launching The Business

So I bought a domain “city name + niche name” (super targeted) and decided to test this out.

I used Webflow to build a website, and Canva to create the logo.

Then I exported all of the SEO niche keywords from Ahrefs and uploaded them to the ChatGPT-4 “Advanced Data Analysis” - previously known as code interpreter.

I asked ChatGPT-4 “find the easiest SEO keywords from this report for me to rank #1 for a new website with 0 DR, then write 10 associated blog article titles, meta descriptions and slugs”.

It spit out 10 keywords, titles, descriptions and slugs just like I asked.

I used “AIPRM - ChatGPT prompts” to input the titles and write educational articles around the niche keywords.

Then, because AIPRM outputs are typically really short, I had ChatGPT-4 further expand on each section to further bulk up the articles.

I hooked up GSC and Google analytics and I was ready to go.

I uploaded 3 articles a day. These articles were SEO optimized and included schema markup and were over 2,000 words each. I interlinked them on my site and focused on building the blog structure to be as niche specific as possible. Looking to build this as the educational center for the niche.

Kickstarting SEO

Next I reached out to 10 blogs in the niche to guest post.

I basically Googled “write for us” + real estate.

I reached out to everyone in the top 20.

After a few days I made arrangements with 5 sites to get guest posts uploaded, complete with do-follow backlinks.

I decided to just focus every day on uploading articles.

Focused on consistency I shot for 1-2 every day.

1.5 weeks into it I got my first email lead.

It was a building owner with a property valued at $3million.

It was a huge rush.

So I kept doubling down.

The following week I got another lead, with a building valued at $5million.

A couple days later I got another.

It’s been 30 days and I've been uploading about 1-2 articles every day.

I have 40 articles on my site now.

domain rating

I’m getting leads almost every day.

And my website is ranked #5 on Google for multiple keywords in my niche.

Because I needed a lawyer to carry out the service, I next started cold calling every lawyer I could find on Google that was focused on the niche.

I figured since I have the leads and they’re super high intent, the first step could be operating as a lead generator until this becomes profitable enough to scale it and vertically integrate.

I have multiple agreements with law firms now. All done over the last few weeks.

And I'm expanding to other markets.

ChatGPT-4 educates me on the nuances of subsequent markets. I copy and paste daily news articles that could have implications for this business into ChatGPT-4 as well to help it refine its own logic and my own

I’m now pursuing market #2. It’s too early to tell but it seems like after a month I'll be able to crack this one as well.

If you’re looking to leverage ChatGPT-4 try using it like this to build a business.

Pretty groundbreaking tech.

Conclusion: Why ChatGPT-4 is a Game-Changer for Business

My experience shows that ChatGPT-4 can be a powerful tool for anyone looking to understand and break into new markets quickly. In a short time, I used it to learn about commercial real estate, find low-competition keywords, and even write SEO-optimized articles. The results speak for themselves: my website ranks well, I'm getting leads almost daily, and I've set up partnerships with law firms.

But this isn't just about me or real estate. The way I used ChatGPT-4 can work for almost any business or industry. If you're looking to start a new venture or grow your existing business, this tool can give you a real edge. And as AI technology gets better, we can expect even more powerful features that will make doing business easier and more efficient.

So if you're thinking about using AI in your business, now is the time to start. The benefits are real, and the potential is huge. Don't miss out on the chance to get ahead.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What is ChatGPT-4 and how did you use it in your business?
A1: ChatGPT-4 is an advanced AI language model. I used it to quickly learn about commercial real estate, identify SEO opportunities, and write articles that helped rank my website and generate leads.

Q2: How quickly can someone expect results using ChatGPT-4 for market research?
A2: The speed of results can vary, but in my case, I started seeing leads and improved website ranking within 1.5 weeks of using ChatGPT-4 for content creation and SEO.

Q3: Is this approach limited to the real estate industry?
A3: No, the method I used can be adapted to almost any industry. ChatGPT-4 is versatile and can provide insights across various business sectors.

Q4: How do you measure the success of using ChatGPT-4?
A4: I measure success through tangible outcomes like website ranking, the number of leads generated, and successful partnerships with law firms.

Q5: Are there any risks or downsides to using ChatGPT-4 for business?
A5: While I've had a positive experience, it's important to remember that AI is a tool, not a replacement for human expertise. Always double-check the information and consult experts when needed.


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