3 Newsletter Side Hustle Ideas For Beginners


by Eric Lam - Published 7/12/2023

Why Choose a Newsletter as a Side Hustle?

girl building newsletter side hustle

The Shift Toward Newsletters

In our increasingly digital world, the ability to effectively communicate with and engage an audience is crucial.

With the constant bombardment of digital noise, individuals and businesses are seeking ways to establish a more personal and direct line of communication.

This is where newsletters come into play, stepping up to occupy this vital niche in our digital communications.

Newsletters, whether delivered through email or other means, offer the unique advantage of reaching a target audience that has already expressed interest in the subject matter. These individuals have willingly subscribed to the newsletter, indicating a level of engagement and interest that isn't necessarily found through other digital channels.

Subscribers anticipate the arrival of the newsletter, engage with the content, and often feel a connection with the author or brand.

This direct line of communication makes for an engaged, attentive target audience, thus increasing the potential for interaction, discussion, and conversion.

Now, why does this make newsletters a fantastic option for a side hustle?

Firstly, the direct access to an engaged audience that newsletters provide is invaluable. With a newsletter, you're not casting a wide net hoping to catch a few interested individuals. Instead, you're communicating directly with people who are already interested in your content, thus increasing the likelihood of positive interaction and response.

Secondly, the nature of newsletters fosters a sense of community and genuine connection. As a newsletter author, you can build relationships with your readers over time, sharing insights, stories, and personal perspectives. This authenticity can foster a strong sense of trust and loyalty, which is not only satisfying but also contributes to the sustainability of your side hustle.

Lastly, newsletters are inherently flexible and can be tailored to fit any topic, style, or audience. Whether you're passionate about cooking, tech, fashion, or any other subject, there's potential to create a newsletter side hustle around it. This means you can create a side hustle that genuinely aligns with your interests, boosting both your enjoyment and the authenticity of your content.

Flexibility and Scalability

Newsletters are a form of communication that offers unparalleled flexibility, which can be crucial for a freelance writer or someone considering starting a side hustle. Let's delve deeper into these aspects and explore how they make newsletters an excellent choice for a side gig.

Control Over Content: With a newsletter, you're in complete control of the content you create and share. There's no editorial board or content restrictions beyond those set by the platform you choose, and even then, most platforms are quite liberal. This freedom allows you to craft your unique voice and express your views or share insights without restraint. You can experiment, iterate, and hone your content to perfectly cater to your audience's interests and needs.

Control Over Frequency: As a newsletter author, you get to decide how often to engage with your subscribers. Whether you prefer to send out content daily, weekly, bi-weekly, or even monthly, the choice is yours. This flexibility is particularly handy for a side hustle, as you can align your publishing schedule with your availability and other commitments.

Control Over Format: Newsletters can be as simple or as complex as you wish. From a plain text update to a visually rich design with graphics, images, and embedded media – you have the liberty to decide. This means that you can create a format that best complements your content and appeals to your audience.

Scalability: One of the key advantages of newsletters as a side hustle is their scalability. You can start small, perhaps with just a handful of subscribers, and gradually grow your audience. As your subscriber base increases, so can your revenue (if you opt for monetization strategies such as advertising, sponsored content, or subscription fees). The beauty of this model is that your growth can be managed at your own pace. You're not required to meet any externally imposed targets or expectations – you set your own goals.

Getting Started with Your Newsletter Side Hustle

man starting newsletter side hustle

Finding Your Niche

The initial step in launching any successful newsletter side hustle involves identifying a suitable niche. This is a critical process that sets the tone for the entire endeavor, and hence, it merits thoughtful consideration. Let's expand on what this means and why it's so important.

When we talk about a 'niche' in the context of newsletters, we're referring to a focused, targetable portion of the market that you're particularly interested in and knowledgeable about. The niche could range from tech trends, fashion advice, healthy recipes, mindfulness techniques, or even travel tips. It's a specific theme or topic around which you'll build your content.

Identifying your niche should start with your passion and expertise. To maintain a newsletter over time and consistently produce engaging content, you must genuinely care about the topic. Your enthusiasm will shine through your writing and engage your readers on a deeper level. If you're excited about the latest tech gadgets, are a fashion enthusiast, or a healthy cooking whizz, these are great starting points.

However, passion and expertise are just one side of the coin. The other side is ensuring that your chosen topic resonates with a significant number of potential subscribers. You need to consider your target audience's interests and needs. For instance, if you're passionate about a very obscure hobby, it may be challenging to find a large audience for your newsletter. On the other hand, if your topic is too broad, you may struggle to stand out from the crowd.

Conducting a bit of market research can be helpful here. Look into existing newsletters, online forums, social media groups, and similar platforms to understand what people are interested in and what isn't being adequately covered already. This can help you refine your niche and ensure it's one that can attract a robust subscriber base.

Here's an article on how you can go about testing and validating your newsletter side hustle idea (link).

Tools to Get Started

beehiiv newsletter platform

Creating and managing a newsletter can seem like a daunting task, especially when juggling it alongside other commitments. Thankfully, there are numerous tools available that simplify the process significantly. Platforms such as Mailchimp, Substack, and ConvertKit have long been favored for their ease of use and powerful features. However, a new player has entered the game, offering a fresh and user-friendly solution: Beehiiv.

Beehiiv is a cutting-edge Email Service Provider (ESP) that aims to make the process of creating, distributing, and managing newsletters as smooth as possible. Built with the modern content creator in mind, Beehiiv offers several distinct advantages that make it an excellent choice for anyone looking to start a newsletter side hustle.

Here's a link to try Beehiiv (link)

[It's an affiliate link that will qualify you for a free subscriber plan (up to 2,500 subscribers)]

Intuitive Design: Beehiiv's platform is designed to be highly user-friendly. Its interface is intuitive and easy to navigate, making the process of setting up your newsletter straightforward even if you're not technically inclined. Whether you're formatting your content, adding images, or segmenting your audience, Beehiiv makes it simple.

Out-of-the-box Solution: With Beehiiv, you get a comprehensive solution for your newsletter needs. The platform manages everything from subscription management, content creation, distribution, and even analytics. It eliminates the need for multiple tools, reducing complexity and enabling you to focus more on your content.

Scalability: Beehiiv is designed to grow with you. Whether you're starting with just a handful of subscribers or have thousands from the get-go, Beehiiv can handle it. As your side hustle expands, Beehiiv's features can accommodate your growing audience, making it a partner you can rely on throughout your journey.

Powerful Analytics: Understanding your audience's behavior is crucial in crafting engaging content and growing your subscriber base. Beehiiv offers powerful analytics that give you insights into your newsletter's performance. You can easily track open rates, click rates, subscriber growth, and more, giving you the data you need to refine and improve your content strategy.

Building Your Subscriber Base

scaling subscribers

Creating Engaging Content

The foundation of any successful newsletter lies in the quality of its content. When your content is unique, insightful, and tailored to your audience's interests, it stands out from the digital noise and provides real value to your subscribers. This is your primary currency and the chief reason why readers would choose to regularly engage with your material. By providing distinct and enlightening content, you set yourself apart from others in your niche. Remember, in an age where information is abundant, it's not just about what you say; it's about how you say it and the unique perspective you bring to the table.

Moreover, quality content is the primary driver behind building a loyal subscriber base. It's what compels first-time readers to hit the subscribe button and keeps them coming back for more. Consistently delivering top-notch content fosters a strong sense of trust and reliability with your audience. It builds a rapport that transforms casual readers into loyal subscribers who not only consume your content but also share it within their networks, effectively becoming ambassadors for your newsletter. Over time, this loyal subscriber base can prove invaluable to the growth and sustainability of your side hustle.

Harnessing the Power of Social Media

Social media platforms are, without a doubt, one of the most effective channels to grow your newsletter subscriber base. With billions of users across the globe, social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram offer a vast pool of potential subscribers.

By sharing snippets or teasers of your newsletter content on your blog post or social media channels, you can attract a wider audience and pique their interest in your full newsletter. This could be a compelling quote, an intriguing fact, a snippet of a story, or even an eye-catching graphic related to your content. These teasers serve as appetizers, giving potential subscribers a taste of what they can expect from your full newsletter.

Furthermore, social media platforms offer various features to engage with your audience directly. From sharing updates and engaging in discussions to conducting live sessions or Q&As, you can utilize these features to build relationships with your audience, understand their interests, and tailor your content accordingly. Not to forget, the more engagement your posts receive, the wider their reach.

In addition, social media platforms are conducive to sharing, which can help increase your visibility organically. Encourage your existing subscribers to share your content on their networks. Each share extends your reach to potential new subscribers who are likely to be interested in your content, given they're part of your existing subscribers' network.

Collaborating with Influencers

Another effective strategy is partnering with influencers in your niche. They can promote your newsletter to their audience, potentially driving new subscribers your way.

Monetizing Your Newsletter

making money on newsletter side hustle

Subscription Models

One of the most common and effective ways to monetize newsletters is through implementing a subscription model. This method involves using paid newsletters and offering premium content to subscribers who pay a fee, generally on a monthly or annual basis. The beauty of this model is that it creates a steady, predictable income stream, thus turning your newsletter side hustle into a more sustainable business.

Subscription models work by leveraging the value of your content. In a basic free newsletter, you offer valuable content to all subscribers. However, you reserve some premium content exclusively for those who opt for a paid subscription. This premium content could include in-depth articles, expert interviews, access to an archive of past newsletters, exclusive discounts or offers, priority access to events or webinars, and more. The idea is to make the paid version or subscription offer compelling enough that your free subscribers see the value in upgrading. In other words, your premium content should be of such high quality and value that subscribers are willing to pay for it.

However, transitioning to a subscription business model requires careful planning and a deep understanding of your audience. It's essential to gauge your audience's willingness to pay for premium content and identify the type of content they would find most valuable. Keep in mind that the switch to a subscription model also adds a layer of expectation for consistent, high-value content. Therefore, before diving into this monetization strategy, ensure you're ready to consistently deliver content that's worth paying for. By doing this well, a subscription model can provide a steady income stream and help turn your newsletter side hustle into a thriving business.

Advertising and Sponsorships

Monetization is a significant aspect of any side hustle, and newsletters are no different. As your subscriber base grows, featuring relevant ads and securing sponsorships becomes a viable and potentially lucrative strategy. Let's delve deeper into what this means and why having a substantial subscriber base is crucial for this approach.

Ads and sponsorships can be a profitable source of income for your newsletter. Companies and brands are always on the lookout for targeted advertising opportunities, and a newsletter with an engaged audience presents a prime channel. As a newsletter author, you can offer ad spaces or sponsored content within your newsletter. These can be relevant product or service recommendations, sponsored articles or features, or even sponsored links.

The key to successful monetization through ads and sponsorships is relevance. The promoted products or services should align with your content and offer value to your subscribers. Irrelevant paid ads, may be off-putting to your readers and can harm your credibility and engagement rates. On the other hand, relevant promotions can even enhance your content by providing additional value to your readers.

Now, why is a substantial subscriber base important for this monetization method? The answer is simple: reach and impact. Brands and advertisers value reach. The more people their promotion can potentially reach, the more valuable that advertising space becomes. A newsletter with a sizeable subscriber base offers a wider audience, and thus, a larger potential reach for the advertiser.

Moreover, a larger subscriber base often indicates higher engagement levels, which advertisers also find attractive. High engagement means that your email subscribers are not only numerous but also actively interacting with your content. It implies that your audience trusts you and values your recommendations, making your newsletter a more impactful platform for advertisers.

Affiliates and Partnerships

Affiliate marketing presents another viable revenue avenue for your newsletter side hustle. Essentially, this involves partnering with a business to promote their products or services within your newsletter content. In return, you earn a commission for each purchase made through your unique affiliate link.

The key to effective affiliate marketing is ensuring that the products or services you promote align closely with your content and audience's interests. For instance, if your newsletter focuses on healthy cooking, you might become an affiliate for a company that sells organic cooking ingredients or premium kitchen appliances. This relevance is crucial as it ensures that your promotional efforts feel organic and add value to your subscribers, rather than coming across as intrusive advertising.

It's important to be transparent with your readers about your affiliate relationships. Let them know that you earn a commission from their purchases through your links but that you only promote products or services you genuinely believe in. This openness not only adheres to regulations but also builds trust with your subscribers.

By integrating relevant affiliate marketing into your newsletter, you can create an additional revenue stream that complements your content and offers value to your readers. Plus, as your subscriber base grows, so too can your affiliate income, making this a scalable strategy to make more money to support your side hustle.

Maintaining and Growing Your Newsletter Side Hustle

newsletter side hustle growth

Consistency is Key

Consistency is a key aspect of maintaining and growing your newsletter side hustle. Regularly delivering content to your subscribers' inboxes is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it establishes a routine and sets expectations for your readers. They know when to expect your newsletter and can even look forward to it. Secondly, consistent posting keeps you and your content fresh in your subscribers' minds, making them more likely to engage with your newsletter and less likely to forget about it amid a sea of digital content. Thirdly, it fosters loyalty. When you're reliably delivering valuable content, your subscribers build a habit of reading your newsletter and are more likely to remain long-term readers. Consistency, combined with high quality content, can significantly boost reader engagement and loyalty, essential factors in growing a successful newsletter side hustle.

Staying in Tune with Your Audience

Maintaining an active connection with your audience is crucial for the success of your newsletter side hustle. Regularly soliciting feedback and being responsive to their needs and suggestions is more than just a way to keep your finger on the pulse of your subscriber base - it's a way to make your subscribers feel valued and heard. By asking for feedback, you're communicating that their opinions matter to you. This can help build a stronger sense of community around your newsletter and foster deeper engagement. Furthermore, acting on this feedback by tailoring your content to their interests and needs can significantly improve the relevancy and value of your content, leading to higher satisfaction and retention rates. Additionally, feedback can provide valuable insights that can help you improve your content, design, and overall strategy. In essence, by staying connected with your audience and being responsive to their feedback, you can enhance the quality of your newsletter, strengthen your relationship with your subscribers, and ensure that your side hustle remains attuned to your audience's evolving needs and interests.

How to Build a Newsletter side hustle

how to build newsletter

With the emergence of affordable email infrastructure platforms like Beehiiv.com, it is now easier than ever to start and test a newsletter idea.

In the past building newsletters was expensive; platforms like ConvertKit and Omnisend costed hundreds of dollars a month in infrastructure fees, but Beehiiv has undercut the competition and made building a newsletter dramatically cheaper and more efficient to launch.

MilkRoad.com was the platforms first major success. Within a year, crypto newsletter MilkRoad was able to get to $1 million ARR and the founders exited the business at the end of their first year.

Following in their footsteps, numerous other newsletters, mostly in the AI category have subsequently launched and achieved similar success.

TheRundown.ai is the standout reinvention of MilkRoad, in the AI niche. TheRundown has been around for almost 6 months and already is at a $920,000 annual run rate.

The opportunities around creating a niche newsletter are reminiscent of the early days of dropshipping and affiliate marketing. The barrier to entry is low, but the reward is high.

Email addresses have always been valuable, and continue to be due to email being an owned audience.

This means that you’re not building on another companies infrastructure; like Instagram, YouTube etc. and you don’t have the risks of YouTube one day changing their algorithm and tanking your engagement.

As such, the resale value on newsletter businesses is high comparatively to these other platforms.

It’s so valuable that a newsletter with 250,000 engaged subscribers could easily sell for over a million dollars. A YouTube channel or Instagram page with the same follower count could maybe sell for tens of thousands of dollars.

This is a massive opportunity for the bootstrapped and scrappy entrepreneur.

The possibilities around creating a one person media business have never been greater, and the monetization opportunity is exploding.

Which industries are the most lucrative newsletters in?

health newsletter side hustle

The most lucrative newsletter businesses usually operate within industries where there is both a high demand for information and the willingness to pay for high-quality, unique insights.

These are some of the most lucrative industries for newsletters:

  1. Personal Finance and investing: This industry is information-hungry, with significant money at stake. High-quality newsletters offer insights, predictions, and analysis that can give readers an edge.
  2. Technology: Newsletters that cover latest technology trends, product reviews, startup ecosystems, and industry news are in high demand. Especially those focusing on blockchain, artificial intelligence, and software development.
  3. Health and wellness: As people increasingly seek guidance on health, wellness, and nutrition, newsletters offering expert advice and latest research findings in these areas can be very profitable.
  4. Entrepreneurship and business strategy: Business leaders and entrepreneurs often turn to newsletters for the latest strategies, case studies, industry business news, and success stories.
  5. Digital marketing and SEO: These are rapidly evolving fields, and businesses are willing to pay for newsletters that help them stay ahead of the curve.
  6. Real estate: Newsletters focusing on market trends, investment strategies, and property listings can be highly lucrative.

Side Hustle Ideas

Real Estate Newsletter Side Hustle

real estate newsletter data

Newsletter Name: "Proptech Pulse"

Industry: Real Estate Technology (PropTech)

Problem: The PropTech industry, which is revolutionizing the real estate sector with innovative technologies, is growing rapidly. However, it is fragmented and lacks a centralized source of reliable, up-to-date, and insightful information. Real estate professionals, tech entrepreneurs, and investors are looking for a comprehensive resource to stay on top of developments in this sector.

Solution: "Proptech Pulse" serves this need with a weekly newsletter dedicated to the latest PropTech news, trends, startups, and investment opportunities. It offers in-depth analysis, expert commentary, and a global perspective on how technology is reshaping the real estate industry.

Competitive Advantage: "Proptech Pulse" distinguishes itself with its detailed case studies on successful PropTech startups, comprehensive reviews of new technologies, and curated investment opportunities. It also offers unique perspectives from industry leaders and insights from markets around the world, setting it apart from more general real estate or tech newsletters.

Monetization: "Proptech Pulse" would adopt a freemium model, offering a basic free subscription, and a premium subscription with added benefits. Premium subscribers would have access to exclusive relevant content, deep-dive reports, investor guides, and discounts on industry events and partner products. The newsletter could also generate revenue through targeted advertising and sponsored content from relevant businesses.

Viral Social Media Strategy: To grow its subscriber base, "Proptech Pulse" will actively engage with users in real estate and tech-oriented communities on platforms like Reddit (/r/RealEstateTechnology, /r/startups) and LinkedIn groups. The newsletter will run regular challenges or mini-competitions with rewards, encouraging subscribers to share content within their networks. Social media content will include sneak peeks of the newsletter's insights, compelling infographics, and success stories that are easily shareable.

Sustainability Newsletter Side Hustle

sustainability newsletter data

Newsletter Name: "CleanTech Today"

Industry: Clean Technology and Renewable Energy

Problem: With the rapid global shift towards sustainability and the adoption of clean technology, there is a critical need for timely, comprehensive, and expert insights in this rapidly expanding sector. Both professionals and hobbyists need accurate information on emerging technologies, regulatory changes, investment opportunities, and market trends.

Solution: "CleanTech Today" fills this gap by offering a weekly digest of the most crucial news, trends, and insights in the clean technology industry. In-depth articles, expert interviews, and data-driven reports provide subscribers with a 360-degree view of the sector. It makes complex clean tech issues accessible to the general public while providing the depth of analysis industry professionals need.

Competitive Advantage: What sets "CleanTech Today" apart is its focus on actionable insights. Rather than simply reporting the news, it provides context, interpretations, and forward-looking analysis. The newsletter is known for its exclusive interviews with industry leaders, technical experts, and innovators, making it an essential resource for anyone involved in the clean tech industry.

Monetization: Initially, "CleanTech Today" will be a freemium model with both free and paid subscriptions. Free subscribers get the basic newsletter, while paid subscribers get additional benefits such as detailed market reports, priority access to interviews and webinars, and discounts to industry events. Furthermore, the newsletter will feature sponsored content and advertisements related to the clean technology sector. Over time, the platform could branch out into organizing exclusive industry events and webinars, thereby creating an additional revenue stream.

Viral Social Media Strategy: "CleanTech Today" will leverage the power of relevant online communities to grow its subscriber base. It will engage with users on platforms like Reddit (/r/RenewableEnergy, /r/sustainability) and LinkedIn groups related to clean tech. The newsletter will feature reader-contributed success stories and challenges, encouraging subscribers to share the content within their networks. On platforms like Twitter and Instagram, "CleanTech Today" will make use of infographic summaries of the week's news, easily shareable and digestible content, which could serve as teasers for the full newsletter.

Edtech Newsletter Side Hustle

edtech newsletter data

Newsletter Name: "EduTech Explorer"

Industry: Education Technology (EdTech)

Problem: The EdTech industry is witnessing massive changes, with innovative tools transforming education at every level. However, educators, parents, and students often struggle to keep pace with these developments and find reliable, easy-to-understand information about the latest EdTech solutions.

Solution: "EduTech Explorer" addresses this need with a weekly newsletter that provides a clear overview of new technologies, market trends, and practical applications in the EdTech space. The newsletter is designed to make EdTech accessible and relatable to a non-technical audience, offering insights into how these tools can enhance teaching and learning experiences.

Competitive Advantage: What distinguishes "EduTech Explorer" is its focus on the practical applications of EdTech tools and the real-world impact they can have on teaching and learning. Each issue of the newsletter includes detailed reviews of EdTech products, case studies of successful implementations, and expert opinions. This balanced and comprehensive view of the EdTech landscape sets "EduTech Explorer" apart from other sources of information.

Monetization: Rather than charging for the newsletter, "EduTech Explorer" will partner with EdTech companies to sell their products directly through the newsletter. Each issue will feature select products, complete with comprehensive reviews and exclusive discounts for subscribers. "EduTech Explorer" will earn a commission on each sale made through the email newsletter. As the subscriber base grows, the newsletter can negotiate better deals and exclusive products from EdTech companies, increasing its revenue potential.

Viral Social Media Strategy: "EduTech Explorer" will build a strong online presence in education-focused communities on platforms such as Reddit (/r/edtech, /r/Teachers) and Facebook education groups. The strategy involves creating shareable content like success stories, practical EdTech tips, and infographics summarizing the week's EdTech news. User-generated content will also play a vital role, with subscribers encouraged to share their experiences and successes with the EdTech tools featured in the newsletter.


  1. Is it easy to start a newsletter side hustle?
    • Yes, with the right tools and a clear idea, starting is straightforward.
  2. Can I make a substantial income from a newsletter?
    • Yes, with effective monetization strategies, you can earn a decent income.
  3. How can I grow my subscriber base quickly?
    • Creating engaging content, utilizing social media, and collaborating with influencers can help you grow your base.
  4. What if I don't have any writing experience?
    • Don't worry! Many resources can help you improve your writing skills.
  5. What are some good platforms to start a newsletter?
    • Mailchimp, Substack, and ConvertKit are all excellent options.

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